Story of Nari-Kunjer


Indriya means “Senses” or  literally means "belonging to Indra," chief deity in the Rig Veda and lord of Heaven, hence connoting supremacy, dominance and control, attested in the general meaning of "power, strength" from the Rigveda. According to Hinduism, Senses are divided in two parts as follows:


5 Senses for Acquiring Knowledge (Jnana Indriya):

  1. eye/vision

  2. ear/hearing

  3. nose/smell

  4. tongue/taste

  5. skin /touch


5 Senses for Action or Work (Karma Indriya) :

  1. Legs/Walk

  2. Hands/Work

  3. Mouth/Voice

  4. Penis-Vagina/Sexual Pleasure & Reproduction

  5. Anus/Extraction


Other than these, there is a one more sense ( Mind or Mann ) is chiefly known for its power of assumption, imagination, thoughts, Intelligence, wisdom, enlightment. Mind has control over body and all senses and they are related to Mind or Mann so it is called Indra (King of all Indriyas).


Krishna says in his book “Bhagavad Gita”, in order to achieve true liberation, it is important to control all mental desires and tendencies to enjoy sense pleasures. The following verses illustrate this:


"When one can completely withdraw the senses from the sense objects, as a tortoise withdraws its limbs into the shell for protection from calamity, then the intellect of such a person is considered steady. (2.58)"


"One should fix one’s mind on God with loving contemplation after bringing the senses under control. One’s intellect becomes steady when one’s senses are under complete control. (2.61)"


"A disciplined person, enjoying sense objects with senses that are under control and free from attachments and aversions, attains tranquility. (2.64)"


"Real peace and happiness are achieved, not by sense gratification, but by sense control. All sorrows are destroyed upon attainment of tranquility. The intel­lect of such a tranquil person soon becomes completely steady and united with the Supreme. (2.65)"